
Showing posts from May, 2021

Speaking 1 - personal question 1

Speaking practice. Speaking 1 - personal question 1 PERSONAL PREFERENCE AGREE OR DISAGREE MORE THAN 2 CHOICES ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Same subject can be rephrased PERSONAL PREFERENCE- Do you prefer online classes or presencial classes? AGREE OR DISAGREE Nowadays, much of the educational system is opting for online classes. They believe it to be more .... Do you agree?  OR Nowadays many teachers are saying that students cannot learn without presencial classes. hey believe it to be more .... Do you agree? MORE THAN 2 CHOICES   As a member of the student board you have asked to give a qualified opinion on using online, presencial classes only or making a mix of both.  ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES  What are the advantages and disadvantages of having online classes instead of presencial ones? Speaking Chart Practice STATEMENT WHY? EXAMPLE...

Writing - Should college be free for everyone?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Should college be free for everyone? Give reasons and details to support your answer. Let's study these sample essays : Sample Essay. or

Sample TOEFL Independent Essays

4 different  styles  of independent questions ·         agree/disagree ·         multiple choice ·         paired choice ·         preference Agree/Disagree Style TOEFL Essays Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? EXAMPLE 1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People in today’s world have become too dependent on automobiles.. EXAMPLE 2 The knowledge we gain from personal experiences is more valuable than the knowledge we gain from books. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer Multiple Choice Style TOEFL Essays Which of the following do you think…? EXAMPLE 1 In general, people are living longer now. Which of the following do you think accounts for this phenomenon? ·   ...

TOEFL Writing - Integrated and Independent

Image TOEFL Writing (2020) – Sample TOEFL Essays and Questions In the TOEFL writing section, there are two essay questions.  1st is the integrated essay question, The integrated essay requires you to write an essay comparing an article and a lecture on the same topic.  Write about 300 words in that essay 2nd is the independent essay question. . For the independent essay, you’ll give your personal opinion on a single topic (often related to education, work, life choices, technology and society).  Aim for about 400 words.   Integrated Essay STATING The reading and the lecture are both about .. dkdugjksurhlm  The author of the reading argues that The lecturer casts doubt ...  He believes that .. INTRO First of all, the author claims that...and also .. The author believes that ..   This p...

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About you- workwise

  Useful Phrases - Check on your use of tenses     Useful Phrases - Personal Experience     I qualified in.. from ..University.   / have a degree in .. I joined the company straight from school I used to work for a company in ... It was very traditional/progressive/up-to-date ... They were mainly interested in ...              (not) concerned about... Junior staff were very well / badly treated. Staff turnover was very high/low.. Their policy / strategy / aim was to .. Nowadays I have switched to., been promoted to I find my job highly rewarding / extremely stressful The main advantage / disadvantage in this line of work is     Useful Phrases - The Company I work for The company was formed/founded ... In the early days we were based in ...        ••*-- The fol...